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Home > Policies & Procedures > How to Get Technology Help
How to Get Technology Help
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Problems happen... we're here to help! This article explains the most efficient way to get help for your technical issue based on your relation to the School District. 


Staff Members

For all technology issues submit a support ticket by clicking here. To get the fastest support, when asked to choose a category please select the building where you are experiencing the issue. Alternatively, you can send an email to your building's support email address to create a support ticket. Building support email addresses are listed below.



If you are in need of assistance from the District facilities department, please reference the following article: SchoolDude Work Order and Permit Requests.



Grades K - 4

Please see below for instructions on how parents can submit support tickets on their student's behalf.

Grades 5 - 8

Refer to the following directions to submit a ticket from your Chromebook: How to submit a ticket on a Chromebook.

Grades 9 - 12

Send an email to [email protected] (from your school-issued email account) describing your issue, or refer to the following directions to submit a ticket from your Chromebook: How to submit a ticket on a Chromebook.


High School students can also visit the SMART Desk located in the library for in-person technical support.



Submitting support tickets on behalf of your student - Grades K-4

Please reach out to your classroom teacher if your issue is related to content or classwork. If you are having technical difficulties, please visit submit a support ticket by clicking here. For the fastest help, choose the category 1:1 support.

Submitting support tickets on behalf of your student - Grades 5-12

While it is ideal for the student to submit a ticket directly, a parent is more than welcome to reach out on behalf of their student by clicking here. For the fastest help, choose the category 1:1 support.

Issues related to the USCSD Parent Portal

For issues with registering for access to the Parent Portal, adding students to your profile, password resets, or back to school online, please send an email to [email protected].

Issues related to the USCSD website

Please contact Tina Vojtko, Communications Specialist by email at [email protected].

Issues related to online tickets using Eventbrite

Please email [email protected] for assistance.

All other technical issues not covered above

Please visit submit a support ticket by clicking here. For the fastest help, choose the category 1:1 support.


Please note for privacy reasons when contacting the Technology Department, we may request you to provide additional information to verify your identity if your contact information does not match the information currently on record.

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