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Home > Software & Services > Google > Adding Google Drive shortcut to Desktop
Adding Google Drive shortcut to Desktop
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Please read the following options to determine what method suits your situation the best:


- If your Desktop Google Drive shortcut has disappeared or you would like to add a shortcut pointing to the Google Drive folder that contains both My Drive and Shared Drives,  you can follow either of the two methods below. 

- If you would like to add a direct My Drive OR Shared Drives shortcut to your Desktop, follow method #2.


What is the difference between My Drive and Shared Drives?


My Drive is your Google Drive that contains files and folders you have uploaded or created. 

Shared Drives are drives that other people have shared with you. An example would be Team Drives.


Adding Google Drive shortcut to Desktop:


Add Google Drive shortcut to Desktop Method #1 (My Drive & Shared Drives):

1. Open the Finder app

2. On your keyboard, simultaneously press Shift+Command+H

3. You are now in your Home User folder. Find the Google Drive shortcut icon

4. Right-click, Copy and Paste to your Desktop 

Add Google Drive shortcut to Desktop Method #2 (My Drive OR Shared Drives):

1. Open the Finder app

2. On your keyboard, simultaneously press Shift+Command+H

3. You are now in your Home User folder. Find the Google Drive shortcut icon

4. Click to open the Google Drive folder

5. Simultaneously press Option+Command then drag the My Drive (OR Shared Drives) folder to your Desktop


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