Aug 22, 2023
Avaya Cloud Office allows the configuration of monitored lines. This feature is mainly used by building main offices and between administrators and administrative assistants.
How to answer a call on a monitored line
- Users with monitored lines will see dedicated buttons on their phones for each line they can monitor. A call on a monitored line will flash the button and ring the user's phone with a different ringtone than the standard ringtone. Press the monitored line before picking up the handset, then choose the pickup soft key to answer the phone.
- Once you pick up the call, you are now the owner of this call. To transfer this call back to the person it was initially intended for, you must either complete a call transfer or park it in a park group.
Other things to know...
Monitored line buttons also double as status indicators to determine if the monitored user's line is busy. If the montiored user is on the phone, you will see an orange phone icon on the screen, and the red light will be illuminated.