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Home > Networking > WiFi use for Staff owned devices
WiFi use for Staff owned devices
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All District staff are able to connect their personal devices to the District’s WiFi network. This is the method for connecting your personally owned devices (phones, laptops, tablets) to the WiFi Network. Personal devices will connect using the USCSD-PPSK WiFi network. PPSK stands for private pre-shared key and is a technology that allows everyone to connect to the same network but each with a different password.


  1. On your personal device, connect to the WiFi network named: USCSD-PPSK.
  2. Enter the access key provided to you. This access key is specific to WiFi use and will be different than any password you currently use with the District. The key will have either been delivered to you via email or provided at the time of employee onboarding. If you are unable to locate your access key, please submit a ticket by clicking here.
  3. After entering your access key, your device should connect to the internet. Your device will remember this access key and it will only be needed to add additional devices in the future.

Your access key is valid for use on multiple devices, but for your personal use only. You may NOT use your access key with smart assistants, such as Alexa or Google Home, for more details, please click here.


Do not share your access key with any other staff member or student. If you believe your access key has been compromised, please inform the Technology Department immediately.


Devices connected using the USCSD-PPSK WiFi network are bound by School Board Policy 3027, Use of the District’s Internet and Computer Networks. By connecting to the network, you accept the terms as set forth in the policy. You may review the full text of School Board Policy 3027 by clicking here.

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