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Home > Software & Services > Kami > Students: Using Kami as a Squid Replacement
Students: Using Kami as a Squid Replacement
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If your assignment in Canvas is a PDF download, you can still use Kami to mark up the PDF and submit it to Canvas.


The process is the same as what you would have done if you used Squid.  That process is described below.


  1. In Canvas, navigate to the assignment
  2. Click the download button and save the file
  3. Launch Kami
  4. Upload the document to Kami.  Once the document is in Kami it is automatically saved
  5. Mark up the document as needed
  6. Export the document to your Google Drive
  7. Go back to Canvas and upload the document
  8. Submit the assignment


Please follow the steps below to download an assignment, mark it up in Kami, and submit a file in Canvas.


In Canvas, navigate to the assignment.


Select the download button  to the right of the assignment to download the document.




Launch Kami from the pinned extension in Chrome or by navigating to



In the Kami dashboard, select the location where you saved the downloaded file.  The file downloads to the local Downloads folder on your Chromebook.



Locate the file you want to upload to Kami and select “Open”



The file will open in Kami and is automatically saved in your Kami Uploads folder in your Google Drive.  You can change the name and location of the file by clicking on the name in the Kami Menu Bar.


You can learn more about the Kami toolbar in this knowledge base article.


Markup the Kami document as needed, and when you are finished, select the “Export” button in the upper right of the Kami menu bar.




Select the location to save your marked-up Kami file.  We recommend saving the completed file to your Google Drive in an organized location so that the file is backed up.  You MUST export the file “With All Annotations,” or else the file will not contain anything you marked up on the document.  You can also change the exported file's name if you would like.  When done, select “Begin Export”




Once the file has exported, navigate back to Canvas to your assignment and select “File Upload”



Navigate to the location of yoru file and select “Open” to upload the file to Canvas.



Once you verify that the correct file has been uploaded, select “Submit Assignment” to submit the assignment to Canvas.



You will get confirmation that the file has been submitted.

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